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Agricultural Science & Business

Agricultural Science and Business


Ag student presents horse information to elementary students at Ag Day


Instructor: Adam Ulrich  

Agricultural Science and Business presents students with the opportunity to experience all aspects of the business of farming. Courses are available in Advanced Life Science in Animals and Foods, Horticulture Science, Animal Science, Ag Business Management, Natural Resources, and Supervised Agricultural Experience.

Agricultural Science Course Guide

Pathway Documents

Career Pathway documents show students some possible career opportunities that are open to them depending on their interests, strengths and competencies. Meeting the career-related needs of students calls for alignment with career opportunities in authentic work settings. Career Pathways provide a useful framework to aid both students and educators in making those meaningful connections to the working world. 


Technical Honors Diploma

Recognizing the success of the career and technical program in students’ lives, Indiana created the Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma. This diploma emphasizes rigorous academic standards and expectations along with vital technical skills. The Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma prepares students to easily move from high school to college, the workforce, or elsewhere with a clear focus on their career goals.

Advantages of a Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma for students include:

  •  preparation for both college and careers,
  •  opportunities to earn college credits while still in high school,
  •  opportunities to explore Indiana’s high wage and high-demand occupations,
  •  ability to move more easily into their college major, saving time and money,
  •  options to gain practical, real-world working experience,
  •  chances to earn employer-recognized certifications,
  •  valuable skills and training sought by Indiana employers.

Student Leadership Organization

Students can experience leadership opportunities through workshops, Career Development Events, contests, community service and special projects.

The FFA motto gives members twelve short words to live by as they experience the opportunities in the organization.


Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.   Nationally, FFA is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. FFA is a vital part of the Ag program at C4. Students are active in Career Development Events and community service. Students compete in soil judging at the state and national level, leadership events at the local and state level, livestock evaluation at the local and state levels, horse evaluation at the state and national levels, crops, forestry and proficiency applications at the local & state levels.